How to Install Rallly with Docker Compose

What is Rallly?

Rallly is an open-source scheduling and collaboration tool designed to make it easy for groups to plan meetings and events. With Rallly, users can propose multiple dates and times, invite participants to vote on their availability, and quickly identify the best option for everyone. It’s lightweight, customizable, and ideal for teams or communities looking for a self-hosted solution to streamline scheduling without relying on third-party platforms.


System Requirements

  • Dockerx86-64
  • Architecture

Additional Requirements

  • Access to an SMTP server for sending emails.

Step-by-Step Installation Guide

Installing Docker and Docker Compose:

First things first, we need to install Docker, the engine that runs containerized applications, and Docker Compose,

apt update && 
apt upgrade -y &&
curl -fsSL -o &&
sudo sh &&
curl -SL -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose &&
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose &&
apt-get install docker-compose-plugin

Clone the Repository

Using Git

git clone
cd rallly-selfhosted

Using Curl (if Git is unavailable)

curl -L | tar -xz
cd rallly-selfhosted-main

Configure Environment Variables

Generate a Secret Key

Use the following command to generate a secure key:

openssl rand -base64 32

Edit the Configuration File

  • Locate the config.env file in the project root.
  • Set the following variables:
    • SECRET_PASSWORD: Add the generated secret key.
    • NEXT_PUBLIC_BASE_URL: Specify your server’s base URL (e.g.,

Set Up the SMTP Server

  • Define your email settings in the config.env file:
    • SUPPORT_EMAIL: The support email address visible to users.
    • SMTP_HOST: SMTP server’s host address.
    • SMTP_PORT: SMTP server’s port (e.g., 25, 465).
    • SMTP_SECURE: Set to “true” if SSL is required.
    • SMTP_USER: SMTP username (if authentication is enabled).
    • SMTP_PWD: SMTP password (if authentication is enabled).

Secure Your Instance

Start the Server

docker compose up -d

This will:

  • Set up a PostgreSQL database.
  • Run migrations to prepare the database schema.
  • Start the application on port 3000.

Configuration Options

Base Configuration

  • DATABASE_URL: PostgreSQL connection string.
  • NEXT_PUBLIC_BASE_URL: Your server’s public URL.
  • SECRET_PASSWORD: Secure key for encrypting user sessions.
  • ALLOWED_EMAILS: List of allowed email addresses (or domains).

Email Configuration

  • NOREPLY_EMAIL: Sender email for transactional emails.
  • NOREPLY_EMAIL_NAME: Sender name for transactional emails.
  • SUPPORT_EMAIL: Contact email for support.

Watch Video Tutorial:

Confused about setting up your own Rallly Setup? Ditch the dry guides and watch my video tutorial

  • Clear, concise instructions in Urdu/Hindi with 80 different languages translation
  • Visual demonstration makes every step crystal clear.
  • Time-saving guide gets you up and running fast.
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